At TactLabs, we regularly push the team members to learn new things. Most of the learning happens as a group. Also, we do conduct events like Big Data Boss which needs a strong learning management system.
What is ILMS?
Instead of One-To-Many teaching in schools and colleges, we came up with an idea to make more interaction between students while we teach lessons.
Our simple goal is to engage the students during the lesson.
How do we integrate AI in ILMS?
For example, in Just Google It game between user1 and user2. If user1 asks a question and user2 answers it within a time limit, user2 should get the points. This is how Just Google It game works.
We need a human scorer to calculate the score in the game above and it is kind of time-consuming and error-prone. We are trying to integrate AI with a voice identifier to calculate the score.
Customized ILMS for events:
Most of our events long for 3–5 days and we can’t use the existing LMS to support our interactive learning among students. So, we have to come up with our own LMS which gives more control for us to update the scores.
ILMS Roadmap?
Yes, we are working on Interactive Learning Management System regularly by finding new techniques to support our system and experimenting with our learners constantly.
If you are interested to try our framework for free, talk to us
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