Last Name and Equality Issue in South India

Tact Labs
2 min readJan 31, 2021


Photo by Oliver Cole on Unsplash
South Indian Naming Issue with Western Banking

You might wonder what the heck am I talking about the last name and Equality in South India.

In India (at least in South India), your last name was associated with your caste name (yes, the notorious caste classification in India).

Why would it be a big matter?

Yes, as the caste name is associated with you last name, certain caste based people are suffered (and still they do) and they can’t get equal opportunities at work places. Still, certain private companies in India is not letting the certain caste based people get a job in India.

Also, Indians are highly encouraging to get married within the caste which is the great killer of innovation — where western social scientists recommended for years to not to get married with relatives/same clan.

Still, certain caste based people are killed for loving and marrying a different caste girls which is very common in India and no media wants to highlight it.

There was a solution

And there was Jesus called Periyar in India who eradicated the last name issue by running campaigns against that.

Because of his thought provoking ideas and relentless campaigns, south Indians (at least Thamizhians) who got rid of their last name to avoid disclosing their caste.

This is a genius idea to kill the caste based discrimination. Hence, you don’t see the South Indian name doesn’t come with the last name but an initial of their dad’s name.

In passport, you could see their dad’s name as their last name, not the caste name.

So, western countries should understand the severity of the this caste based discrimination in India and support their solidarity in the last name issue.

Instead of kindling their caste based discrimination again by asking their last name, wester countries should support this solidarity!!

Everyone is born Equal!



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