You have a vendor API that you are consuming every day. It works great for a couple of months.
Vendor API result:
image: {
alignment: "center",
hOffset: 250,
name: "sun1",
src: "Images/Sun.png",
vOffset: 250
However, after a few months, your vendor API content is changing like below
image: {
width: "500px",
height: "600px",
name: "sun1",
src: "Images/Sun.png"
Hence the starting of a problem.
Yes, your developer has to change your client to follow up on your vendor API. This is like a wild goose-chasing sometimes. You will have to update every time when your vendor API content changes.
Don’t worry, we have got your back!
We are working on a feature on Postclick, where you can archive your vendor API — where we collect their data type like below:
"widget" : "dict",
"widget.image" : "dict",
"widget.image.alignment" : "string",
"widget.image.hOffset" : "integer",
"" : "string",
"widget.image.src" : "string",
"widget.image.vOffset" : "integer"}
We will store the data-type in our DB and keep monitoring your vendor API. Whenever the vendor API contract changes (like any change in data-type), we will notify you via email.
check out our alpha version here! (We are still hustling to release it soon)
PostClick - Testcase Generator - Beta from Talent Accurate on Vimeo.
Like our concept. Just check this page and play around with a simple API.
If you think of a better idea to solve this vendor API contract issues, please let us know. We are happy to learn from you.